Wodime deliberately allowed Surtr to rein free over Gotterdammerung out of concern that Scáthach-Skadi would rebel otherwise, crippling Ophelia and forcing her to work with Chaldea until her own death. Due to his inferiority complex, Kadoc refuses to request aid from the others in holding off Chaldea.

In an interview with Kinoko Nasu, he stated that had the Crypters performed in the story of Part 1 on their own, only Wodime and Daybit would be able to beat Goetia, with possibly Kadoc included so long as he had the Lostbelt version of Anastasia.When they work on their own, however, they rarely succeed in their goals. Divided We Fall: The Crypters were brought together as Team A by Marisbury specifically to make them a functioning team for the Restoration of the Human Order.Mash, the only member of Team A to not have a Sirius Light, was dying anyway due to her lifespan as a designer baby being much shorter than a human's and would have died shortly after defeating Goetia anyway. Death Is the Only Option: In Lostbelt 7, a conversation between Daybit and Kadoc reveals that Marisbury never actually believed that the Crypters could handle the Human Order Restoration, and gave them the Sirius Lights so that each of the Crypters could take down one of the Singularities with them, with Beryl holding the Explosive Leash to activate the Sirius Lights anyway in case of cowardice.The only reason Ophelia and Kirschtaria did not suffer this fate is because they were already dying from completely unrelated causes and their bodies perished before their Circuits expanded. It's revealed by Daybit in the seventh Lostbelt that they work specifically to give impossible orders to Servants at their command but they will inflate the user's Magic Circuits and cause them to explode. However, they were not granted by the Foreign God, they were an invention of Marisbury Animusphere back when they were Team A for use in the Singularities when Rayshifting. Dangerous Forbidden Technique: All of them are equipped with a special Command Spell called the "Sirius Light", which they can use to achieve spectacular feats far beyond the power of normal Command Spells at the cost of their lives.Co-Dragons: While Kirshtaria is the official leader of the Crypters he actually shares this position with Daybit when it comes to their relationship with the Foreign God with the two being the strongest Crypters and are the only ones in the group that know the truth about the Foreign God.After Ophelia used her, even Scáthach-Skadi, a genuine goddess using Primordial Runes which is close to Magic in power couldn't save her. Cast from Lifespan: Each Crypter has a Sirius Light that is considered their trump card but using costs their life.The Cameo: They appear in "Initium Iter" in Chaldea combat uniforms back when they were still Team A, preparing for Operation F.Obviously, they all picked the first choice and several of them express gratitude for being given a second chance at life. Back from the Dead: The Foreign God claimed it could bring them out of their cryogenic stasis to serve it and reap unlimited glory or leave them to their fate of an "eternal sleep".As Long as It Sounds Foreign: All of the non-Japanese names are pretty ridiculous-sounding to English speakers, even by Nasuverse standards.Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: The one whose plan brings the greatest change to history will become the foundation of the new Age of Gods, becoming the god who creates the new world.

Ascended Extra: They've gone from being seven of the dozens of schmucks blown up at the beginning of Part 1 to the main villains of Part 2.Were it not for the Foreign God, they'd likely never have awoken, and even with its aid, Wodime is Living on Borrowed Time and will be killed if he tries to oppose the Foreign God's awakening, while the others will be branded traitors and hunted down by the Foreign God's apostles. Even then, all seven of them were intended to save humanity as Masters of Chaldea and were victims of Lev's bombing of Chaldea, left Only Mostly Dead as a result. Anti-Villain: With the exception of Beryl and possibly Daybit, they all believe in creating a new, better world for humanity than the original Proper Human History, just to different extents.